

Product Design

I've had the chance to experiment with a new workshopping formula while working with TourRadar. The company aims to be the online marketplace for touring. They provide travelers with everything they need to plan and book their next great escape in one place. From thoughtfully crafted tours and their itineraries, videos, and photos, to how-to guides and travel experts available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.


All of the work conducted during employment is the intellectual property of the company (Tourradar) and is attributed to them. Therefore this work is owned by Tourradar. In order to protect the privacy of the employees, faces have been blurred. The quality of the videos & pictures is purposefully scaled-down so as to obfuscate any sensitive information or the location in which the event took place. The work shown here was performed more than ~2 years ago therefore it cannot possibly be in an active experiment. In the text on this page, when "I" is being used to describe any activity or action performed during employment at Tourradar, the reader must interpret this as "We", as in Tourradar. The North Star screenshot shown below doesn't contain the Tourradar logo, therefore it isn't branded as Tourradar; teal, green and orange colors are not part of the Tourradar brand.


Streamline checkout & create an easy to use expereice.

DesignLab — is a workshopping method I devised. In my past experience with workshops, I noticed that they lose effectiveness when people from different professions are working on a problem together. This is due to the high variation in knowledge about a certain issue and misalignment. 

The first goal of DesignLabs is to educate and elevate the attendees to the same level. The first half-day consists only of presentations and education. The following day, after a quick summary, exercises, and brainstorming to solve the problem.


Researchers & data science
Product managers, developers, designers
Performance marketing, customer service
Copy & product directors.



The DesignLab ran for two half-days. I designed it to maximize output and yield clear actionable results.

Day 01

Contextualize problems and define our checkout goals

During the first day, we looked at current design weaknesses and customer journey research. The data science team also presented some key information related to how users go through the checkout process. Following a presentation on standard design practices, the room set goals for the second day of DesignLab.


Day 02

Ideation, prioritization, and action plan definition

We started the second day with a brainstorming exercise and analyzed the ideas. Later, I asked the attendees to apply the knowledge they had learned on the first day to a competitor analysis exercise. I had printed the competitor's checkout experiences and placed them on the walls. The attendees had to analyze them and compare them per the presentations on day one. 

Finally, we summarised and prioritized the most promising ideas and solutions. What we were looking to obtain from the workshop was 'two-game changers' that we could tackle and break down in two-week cycles. After analysis, I built a north star prototype for checkout.



Drawings from a creative warm-up excercise


My goal is to omit everything superfluous so that the essential is shown to the best possible advantage.

The Result.

The workshop allowed me to design a north star. A prototype that was mobile-first and solved the main pain points of the previous experience. A secondary accomplishment of the DesignLab was the creation of communication and consistency within the company.

Attendees who weren't working directly with the product team weren't previously exposed to all the research and data we had on our customers. As a result, we have deepened the understanding of the user's wants and needs.


Good design gives the right amount of information at the right time.

©Delapeta Design 2023
VAT ID — NL004194265B14
©Delapeta Design 2023
VAT ID — NL004194265B14